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Myagdi. Apples worth more than Rs 49 crore have been exported from Mustang this year. Apples are the main agricultural produce exported from Mustang. The apple zone office of the Prime Minister’s Agriculture Modernization Project in Mustang has said that 90 percent of the apples produced this year have been exported to the market. Netra […]
The clothes that India will give during Prime Minister Prachanda’s visit to India have arrived in Nepal today. Those snakes were brought into Nepal through the Jamunaha crossing in Banke district. According to a statement issued by the Department of Animal Services, the rats brought to Nepal after completing the quarantine process will be managed […]
Panchthar, 8th December. To increase rice production, the Phalgunand Rural Municipality of Panchthar has introduced a program to reward farmers who grow more than 50 muri of rice. The rural municipality has introduced the ‘Best Farmers in Rice Production Award Program Implementation Procedure 2080’ to reward the farmers. According to the procedure, farmers who produce […]
Kanchanpur, 21 July An outbreak of gabaro insects has appeared in the paddy crops planted in the fields by the farmers of Kanchanpur. In the paddy field, weevils have started to damage the pods by eating them. The problem of Gabaro disease has appeared most frequently in Krishnapur and Shuklaphanta municipalities. Gopi Saud, a farmer […]
Kathmandu. The government has fixed the minimum support price for coarse and medium rice. Accordingly, the new price has been fixed by increasing the price of coarse paddy by Rs 330 per quintal and medium paddy by Rs 234 per quintal. The Cabinet meeting held on Tuesday decided the minimum support price for rice. On […]
Nuwakot. Lately, the issue of Murra buffalo has started to gain a place in the Nepali media. On the occasion of Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal’s official visit to India in the second week of last May, the issue of India providing 15 Murra Rangos to Nepal gained importance. This topic was also discussed in […]
कञ्चनपुर। खेतमा काटिएको गहुँ ‘थ्रेसिङ’ गर्न कञ्चनपुरका किसानलाई समस्या भएको छ । गहुँ थ्रेसिङ गर्ने ट्र्याक्टर व्यवसायीले मनोमानीरुपमा मूल्य निर्धारण गरी रकम लिन थालेपछि किसान मर्कामा परेका हुन् । डिजेल प्रतिलिटरमा रु १० घटे पनि किसानले पुरानै मूल्यमा गहुँ थ्रेसिङ गरेबापतको रकम तिर्नुपरेको छ । ट्र्याक्टर व्यवसायीले डिजेलको मूल्य र मजदुर ज्याला बढेका कारण देखाउँदै […]
तनहुँ । व्यास नगरपालिका–४ चुरेखोल्सी निवासी देवीप्रसाद र गङ्गादेवी अधिकारीको रहर लाग्दो बाख्रा फार्म रहेको छ । उक्त फार्ममा पुग्ने जो कसैको मनमा आनन्द मिल्छ र केही चाही गर्नुपर्ने रहेछ भन्ने मनोभावना पलाएर आउँछ । जोश जाँगर भए स्वदेशमै बसेर पनि मनग्य आम्दानी लिन सकिन्छ भन्ने उक्त फार्ममा पुग्ने जो कोही मानिसका लागि पनि गतिलो […]
झापा । यहाँ केराखेती गर्दै आएका किसानले रासायनिक मल अभावका कारण सङ्कट आएको बताएका छन् । यसबाट केराको उत्पादन घट्नाका साथै खेती खुम्चिन थालेको छ । विगतमा ५० बिघा जमिनमा केराको खेती गरेका कनकाई नगरपालिका–३ का बेनु पराजुलीले आम्दानी सोचेभन्दा कम भएपछि यसपाली ३० बिघाको केराखेती मासेको बताए । सुरुमा ‘केरा जोन’ बनाउने उद्देश्यले खेती […]